Lauren here, creator of this lovely little Shitshow known as Three Black Cats.
I built this company a few years ago during the start of Covid. 

My goal of TBC? JOY. Honesty. Laughter. Community.

My designs & what my brand has come to be known for are snarky perspectives on very relatable topics. Things that ultimately will bring people together. I’ve never met a stranger and that’s how I want everyone to feel whether you are in my store or shopping it online. Like you are among friends- like you belong. Because you do.

I design with not only myself in mind, but my friends whom all of you have become & I do so without any filters. My pictures, videos, lives and posts are not perfect and I take pride in that. Someone once told me that perfection was a great way to avoid excellence. A hard truth to learn. So what ya see is what ya get & sometimes it isn’t pretty or professional, but it is real. All sides of it. There’s plenty of breakdowns & ugliness that happens behind the scenes to get to all the pretty products Y’all see. I have my own struggles- sometimes you will see that.

Vincent Van Gogh has always been a favorite & a quote that has always stuck with me is, “Art is to console those who are broken by life.” Sure, a little dark- but also true, it’s just that simple & also that deep. I want to make something you can feel- that leaves a lasting impression. Something that can change your day. Mood. Thoughts. Perspective.
Life is hard, but if you’re really paying attention, it’s also completely ridiculous & wonderful. Definitely worth sticking around for ;
If you’ve read this all the way through, you’re my people 🖤

Welcome to the shit show ♥️


Connect with us:

Email: threeblackcatscreations@gmail.com

Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/ThreeBlackCats?ref=seller-platform-mcnav

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_three_black_cats/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/3blackcatz

Twitter: https://twitter.com/maniclab?lang=en

Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/threeblackcatscreations

Apr 6-7 - Southwest Chocolate and Coffee Fest

The world’s largest consumer festival dedicated to chocolate, coffee, and gourmet foods.

Apr 20 - Great New Mexico Food Truck and Beer Festival

FTFA is bringing the ultimate food truck and craft beer experience to Albuquerque for the 8th year! Featuring some of the area's most popular food trucks dishing out fan favorites such as authentic Mexican street corn, oven-baked pizza, refreshing ice cream and more! Offering dozens of regional and national brews.

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